Build Your Wardrobe
Styling Card Game

Put together the greatest number
of outfits with fewer pieces
with confidence!

Want to...

  • Practice putting together maximum outfits with minimum pieces?
  • Understand how to work with colour, accessories, and styles?
  • Learn the formula of a smart wardrobe and understand the structure of an effective wardrobe that will work for your success?
  • Receive your wardrobe diagnostic, seeing what is wrong there – whether it is boring, colorless, outdated, etc.?
  • Gain or strengthen self-confidence and understanding what you want regarding your wardrobe?
  • Dare to mix and match colours of your own wardrobe?
  • Gain inspiration for working on your wardrobe?
  • Develop taste?
  • See how to be more daring and add some zest to your wardrobe?
  • Practice time saving skills when shopping in real life?
  • Acquire the skill of being wise with money and saving it as a result?
  • Receive practical advice from the colour, style and image expert?
Every woman faces the problem "What should I wear?"
Working with my clients, I often see that almost no one knows how to put together outfits
that create harmonious ensembles.
Almost every woman fails making her shopping list before shopping for clothes. What does happen quite often? She goes shopping and first she buys something she's never had in her wardrobe. She is looking for something beautiful, so it cheers her up. Not all women think that they need to plan their purchases first, and then go to a store.

Another skill that women lack is combining colours. When we discuss the existing wardrobe of a client, more often than not it appears to be colourless. The maximum colour combinations I see is a combination of two colours.
The other thing I see is that there are no bright colours or accessories because they don't know how to wear them.

In addition, no one has a wardrobe system. No one has a system, so that they could quickly get dressed and leave the house looking sharp and put together.

There is one last problem – no confidence when shopping. When women go shopping, they often wonder if this colour or design suit them, whether they should buy something or not, and so on.
What do all these problems lead a woman towards?
  • Self-doubt and uncertainty in her own appearance.
  • Boring outfits with no character that do not give pleasure either to the woman herself or to people around her.
  • Lack of desire for personal growth in her own style. More often than not it is either outdated, or there is no style and there is no desire to have style. After all, clothes discipline us and move us up in life to where we want to go.
  • A failure to be an example of taste and style to her children. If a woman does not take care of herself and her style or does not bring creativity into her wardrobe, she is not the best example to her children. After all, a mother is the very first style icon for her children, and they carry that poor image into their own personal and professional lives.
I suggest turning all these trouble issues into problems to solve, and you can not only solve them through playing a game, but even develop your own personal taste!
I have the answer to a woman's eternal question "What should I wear?"

It is Build Your Wardrobe styling card game that helps women with their wardrobes, style, colour combinations, and shopping!
Eva Easton
Code to Chic Founder
Ladies, this is exactly what you need when it's gloomy outside and you are sad, don't want anything, but you do want a dress … Playing this game was very exciting, almost like my childhood! This was all new knowledge for me. After the game, I wanted to come home, take out all my clothes and look at them from a style point of view. How interesting it was for me to find my craving for beige and caramel colours, whereas in my wardrobe I have almost don't have such colours. Thank you for such an interesting game!
Judith P.
This game allows you to practice the skills of building your wardrobe and putting together outfits that coordinate in color and style! You can even put together different wardrobes – seasonal wardrobe, business or leisure wardrobe, etc.

This game helps in developing taste, learning how to create complete stylish ensembles and beautiful colour combinations.
When playing the game, you will learn how to build a smart and efficient wardrobe for yourself! You will practice not only the skills of creating the wardrobe itself, but also the skill of planning your shopping beforehand and calculating your budget!
I was lucky enough to play this cool Build Your Wardrobe styling card game! Since it was interesting for me to get the right knowledge regarding my own wardrobe, this game was very useful to me.
The game showed me that I need to work on my basic wardrobe, i.e. I do not have those basic pieces which are the foundation of an effective rational wardrobe. There is definitely something for me to work on … Very interesting and useful game! I was happy and went home full of valuable ideas!
Dorothy S.
This game will be useful to everyone who loves and wants to dress beautifully and with taste, creating striking and smart outfits, as well as skillfully mixing together basic items, accessories, and fashionable pieces.
You don't have to have special knowledge on colour and style to play Build Your Wardrobe card game. There are many ways you can play this game, and anyone can play it, no matter what previous knowledge or skills you have in styling – you might be a beginner, or you might already have mastered the skill!
I'd like to share my impressions about Build Your Wardrobe card game. If it is in one word – then "super"! And if in more detail, then this is all in one – a game, and diagnostics, and training, and shopping at that! Who does not like shopping? And are there any women who are not familiar with the problem "the closet is full, but there is nothing to wear"? During the game you enjoy shopping, and you also get answers to the most relevant questions about the wardrobe. The game inspired me to finally start cleaning my closets, which I dragged for a very long time.
Catherine L.
You can play the game more than once, practicing your skills and creating more and more harmonious ensembles each time, mastering the art of presenting yourself through clothing.

When you tried matching colours in outfits when playing the game, in real life you already more confident and can dare to mix and match colours of your own wardrobe.
Having practiced putting outfits together within a preset limited time during the game, you already have a clear idea what to do and how during a real shopping. Having acquired the skill of shopping in the game, this is transferred to real life.
I was always interested in a personal style: how to express it, through what colours, fabric textures, cuts and lines, how to show your character and personality through clothes. During the game, with Eva's support and advice, I learned how to build wardrobe from scratch.
After playing the game, I found out that I love colour and colour combinations, and that I really like accessories, but I didn't know how to select them. It turned out that I did not think of having a variety of shoes and knowing the very basics of style as something important.
Before when shopping I was always confused by the big selection of clothes. Now I have a better idea about my garments, and what will be a good mix and match. I am happy with the game, and that it can be played many times, and each time you will put together new outfits, have fresh solutions and interesting insights!
Sami F.
Since the game has a strict budget that cannot be exceeded, you practice time saving skills when shopping in real life. When there are no extra expenses, there are no useless purchases, as now you can put together the greatest number of outfits with fewer pieces.

Build Your Wardrobe styling card game is 2 in 1: it is entertainment and a real-life simulator!

When playing this styling game, you will:

  • learn the formula of a smart wardrobe
  • practice time and money-saving skills
    for your future shopping in real life
  • receive your wardrobe diagnostic
  • practice putting together stylish outfits
  • get inspiration for working on your own wardrobe
  • practice your skills of combining colours

Are you with us?

Place: To be determined

Date and time: will be announced later

Duration: 3 hours

Number of participants: up to 6 people

Price for 1 person in a group: $ 100 USD
I don't make clothes look good on you.
I make it so that YOU look exquisite in your clothes.

Eva Easton, M. Ed.

Authentic Personal Style, Color, And Image

Creator of the Beauty Code Method

Brainz 500 Global Honoree 2021

Take the Shortest Path to Looking Your Best and Feeling Confident!

Your best colors for clothing, accessories, hair, makeup, and much more

Your best styles, silhouettes, accessories, visual body enhancement, and much more

Your best colors for clothing, hair, makeup, accessories, styles, silhouettes, visual body enhancement, and much more

Client Praise
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